Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Looks like we have a winner

If you read the earlier posts you would have noticed I broke away from any form of diet plan and went back to things I loved but also cheating by not making it all fresh like I normally do. As bad as it was to do that I am also glad that I did because the stomach pain came back and then I truly got to examine the cause of the pain. All the ingredients had gluten in them. Now I'm not saying it's an allergy or celiacs but it is definitely a sensitivity and something I will explore with my doctor when I have time to get there. At this point, with Keith's support, I have ventured into the world of Gluten Free. At first it's such an information overload that my diet started consisting of chicken, rice chex and these deliciously addictive corn chips. However I can't live off that. 
Last night we decided to order out. Keith really wanted to try this new pizza place but they didn't have a gluten free friendly menu so we opted for UNOs instead. I had their Baked Stuffed Spinoccoli with Red bliss mashed and roasted vegetables. It was delicious but that was to be expected as it's something I would have eaten before. When I was ordering it we got into a conversation with the bartender asking about their burger rolls as I love burgers so she threw one in for me to try at home. I also ordered a vegetable pizza to have today for lunch. Keith tried it out before I could get a pretty picture of it but I just ate it and it was surprisingly good. Completely erased the fear of it tasting like cardboard. Most of all I'm enjoying still being able to eat something I loved dearly without my night/day ending in pain. Thank you UNOs!!
Also don't mind the paper towel, improvising at work :)

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