Monday, February 3, 2014

Nice Little Monday Surprise...

So as I'm sitting here to write about the weekend my mind is a fog after a rough ride to school with the kids this morning. We NEVER have mornings like this and it was out of left field. Seeing their little faces sad with hands waving as I drove away from their school has clouded all the good things I was excited to share with you. The weather, the Super Bowl, a new phone, the whole narrative I had in my head right out the window. I got to the point of looking at the stats to see if it is even worth it to write todays post and all I can say is HOLY COW (in my head it was not cow)!! I can not believe how many views we have had in one weekend. So with that in mind, I am going to attempt todays post but please excuse me if it's a bit off.
As I had written as the last post, my brother and his girlfriend had taken on and tackled a wonderful gluten free meal for the whole family Saturday night which was greatly appreciated with our crazy schedule this weekend. I had a task I had to handle at my parents house and they were very much enjoying some time with the kids as they hadn't seen much of them lately. Thankfully we only live about 15 minutes away so it was great to head home after and just get the kids ready for bed and relax.
Sunday morning is honestly my favorite morning of the week. We take our time getting moving and always try to have a great Sunday morning breakfast. This Sunday Keith and my daughter handled breakfast. I finally walked her through how I make scrambled eggs and Keith cooked up the sausage. Unfortunately the picture is on my old phone so I will add a post this evening of the meal as well as my recipe for the eggs. After breakfast, and everyone was dressed, we heading out on the new bikes the kids had gotten for Christmas for a ride around the neighborhood. I could not believe how nice out it was (especially since it is currently snowing as I write this)!! After riding the bikes we had a quick lunch (sandwiches using Udi's hamburger buns) and then my phone started acting up again. I had been having non stop problems with my iPhone and since my mother had given us gift cards for new phones for Christmas it was time. The timing ended up being perfect as my daughter had set up a Puppy Bowl date with my brothers girlfriend and did not want to go to the store. We headed off to Staples and picked up Samsung S4's. I'm still getting used to it but the upgraded picture quality has already won me over. Anyways, back to the food. I made sure we were back home in time for the Super Bowl and since every time I asked the kids what they wanted for dinner my son responded "I want whatever you can eat Mommy" so Keith decided we were ordering from Uno's. If you think we eat there a lot, it's our go to, it's less than a mile from our house. While everyone else ordered gluten filled food I was able to order a Gluten Free Guac-alious Burger with bacon and a side of roasted vegi's. It was my first time having a burger since finding out what was making me so ill and it was such a great feeling. You never realize the emotions certain foods give you until you become scared to eat them. I also tried a new beer to go with my burger. Keith had picked up New Planet Blonde Ale. It was different, not bad though. Had almost a fruity champagne taste to it. I did not find it to be something I could have more then one of, however I tend to not drink more then a glass of wine while my children are in my house so it worked for the occasion. I would definitely say it is worth a try.

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